Past Events.
MAy 2, 2019: SEgundo De MAyo
This is an event normally held on 5 de Mayo but we wanted you to experience and celebrate the culture sooner so we're giving it to you on a weekend! Bringing awareness about sickle disease and celebrating the patients, caregivers, and advocates of sickle cell. We will have great time watching and listening to Peruvian Music while watching some talented Peruvian performers classic Peruvian dances. Should be a great time for all! We are hosting the first ever May celebration!

March 2, 2019: SCAA Blood Drive

Blood donations are down but patients continue to need blood every day. Winter storms paired with the cold and flu season severely impacted the ability of donors to give blood. It is important to have an adequate blood supply at all times. When a tragedy occurs, it is the blood already at the hospital that saves lives. With your support, we need to continuously replenish the supply so blood is readily available when needed. It takes up to two and a half days to process, test and distribute each blood donation. We want to encourage African Americans to donate blood due to the limited amount of blood available for African Americans.
All blood types and donation types are needed, with a critical need for platelets and type O blood donations. In emergency situations, when a patient’s blood type isn’t known, doctors reach for type O blood until the patient can be stabilized. Vitalant strives to maintain a 4-day supply of type O blood; currently we are at less than half that amount.

Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness- SF
We started the drive with 9 appointments 11 people attended the drive and gave several lifesaving units of blood. When whole blood is broken down into its components, it has the potential to positively affect the lives of three patients. This means SCAA has contributed to helping save the lives of people in need. Vitalant, along with the hospitals and patients we serve, truly appreciates your continued dedication and leadership towards hosting these life-saving blood drives. SCAA is AWEsome!
August 17, 2019: KMJ Warrior Fitness Day

September 14, 2019: 6th Annual KMJ SC WARRIOR WALK